Salary Ordinance and Pay Plans
Salary Ordinance
The salary ordinance is an official document adopted by the City Council that establishes the compensation structure for city employees. This ordinance outlines salary ranges, pay steps, and classifications for various positions within the city’s workforce. It ensures that employee compensation is transparent, equitable, and consistent with the city’s operational and budgetary goals.
Union Collective Bargaining Agreements
The city’s workforce includes several union-represented groups, each governed by a collective bargaining agreement (CBA). These agreements are negotiated between the city and the respective unions to ensure fair and competitive wages, benefits, and working conditions. The following are the unions represented:
American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)
Fraternal Order of Police (FOP)
International Association of Firefighters (IAFF)
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Service, Clerical, and Finance (IBEW SCF)
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Utilities (IBEW Utilities)
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Wastewater Treatment Plant (IBEW WWTP)
Each CBA includes specific pay plans that outline the salary steps and progression for covered employees. These plans ensure that compensation reflects experience, tenure, and job responsibilities.
Non-Union Employees
For employees not covered by a union agreement, the city utilizes an administrative pay plan. This plan provides a structured framework for salaries, including ranges for each job classification. It is designed to attract and retain top talent while maintaining fiscal responsibility.
Commitment to Transparency
The City of Grand Island is committed to transparency in employee compensation. By maintaining detailed salary ordinances and accessible pay plans, we strive to provide clarity and accountability to our residents and employees alike.